📄️ How it works
Referral farming is where a project incentivises purchase of its tokens via referral links. These referral links are rewarding both the referrers and the buyers.
📄️ Create Farm
Create a new referral farm to drive value towards your token. Choose the token you would like people to promote or recommend and set up the referrals. Provide the incentive by depositing the referral farming rewards, and invite your and other communities to spread the word about the token. The promoters and buyers will earn the rewards once tokens are being purchased.
📄️ Refer to Earn
Choose the token you would like to recommend or promote, create your unique referral link and share it with your communities, friends or family. Join the referral farm and earn farming rewards based on the value purchased via your referral link.
📄️ Buy to Earn
Follow the link shared with you and buy a recommended token to join a referral farm and start earning the farming rewards. You earn rewards based on your value purchased via the referral link.
📄️ Rewards
Referral farming rewards are distributed to those who successfully recommend/promote a token (Refer to Earn) and those who buy the token via the referral link (Buy to Earn).